User Profile
User's Address,Order,Post etc.
Showing 5 out of total 126
yes, this site was developed by Yii3
if you want to develop multiple yii3 apps in the same folder,just like yii2 advance demo
we have a solution
the idea is filter the url accessed to the different app(instance) and load different config files
1. move the yii3 demo config files to a subfolder of config ,maybe frontend
if you want to add backend just copy frontend files to backend
if you need the app frontend and backend ,the config should includ 2 subfolders
config/frontend, config/backend
and modify the .merge-plan.php file in each app config folder
return [
'/' => [
return [
'/frontend (or othe app name)' => [
make sure it can load the right vender libs
2.modify the public/index.php to forward access to the different apps,
such as https://www.tianexcom/backend to load config/backend config files,
$request_uri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
$_ENV['YII_ENV'] = '/frontend';
if (!empty($request_uri)) {
if (str_starts_with($request_uri, '/backend')) {
$_ENV['YII_ENV'] = '/backend';
to do this, you also need to mody the
vendor\yiisoft\yii-runner\src\ApplicationRunner.php protected function createDefaultConfig(): Config
return ConfigFactory::create(new ConfigPaths($this->rootPath, 'config'.$this->environment), $this->environment);
Context: Using short namespace alias "Modulecombinationsale" by calling Doctrine\ORM\Configuration::addEntityNamespace
Problem: Feature was deprecated in doctrine/persistence 2.x and is not supported by installed doctrine/persistence:3.x
Solution: See the doctrine/deprecations logs for new alternative approaches.
The connection errored: Failed host lookup: '' This indicates an error which most likely cannot be solved by the library. POST
2024-11-06 00:42:42.131 8894-8933 flutter irder_app I auth controller : null}
e: Incompatible classes were found in dependencies. Remove them from the classpath or use '-Xskip-metadata-version-check' to suppress errors
e: C:/Users/servi/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/055a0d8f22ead37dfaae154db3bf37f1/transformed/jetified-kotlin-stdlib-1.9.22.jar!/META-INF/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7.kotlin_module: Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.9.0, expected version is 1.7.1.
e: C:/Users/servi/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/055a0d8f22ead37dfaae154db3bf37f1/transformed/jetified-kotlin-stdlib-1.9.22.jar!/META-INF/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8.kotlin_module: Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.9.0, expected version is 1.7.1.
e: C:/Users/servi/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/055a0d8f22ead37dfaae154db3bf37f1/transformed/jetified-kotlin-stdlib-1.9.22.jar!/META-INF/kotlin-stdlib.kotlin_module: Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.9.0, expected version is 1.7.1.
#1267 - Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
set $valuex='+1 213 425 1453';
update `mt_user` u set status='disabled' where in (SELECT uo.user_id FROM `mt_user_overview` uo where uo.contact_phone = $valuex);